(Not) Marbles Vayyale Fabio (Fabio Viale)
Once trendy decor "wood", "under a rock", "marble" - it is interesting. But the "mask" for foam, rubber, cloth, paper or wood is a real marble, so much so that people have an overwhelming desire to touch this or that work, in order to ensure their own hands, from which they are made - it's a talent that will not hide. Yes, and it would be a sin not to share these masterpieces with the audience. Thus, the Italian sculptor Vayyale Fabio (Fabio Viale) known that it creates from the famous Carrara marble, from which at one time worked himself Makelandzhelo, unusual sculptures, illusions, giving precious material for the most common "pasture resource."
In the hands of Fabio marble capable of such tricks him at birth and never dreamed of. For example, marble boat that wizard launches at each exhibition, does not go to the bottom, as expected. She not only successfully kept afloat, but also is able to take on board a crew of eight people. And all thanks to a thin layer (1-3 cm) walls floating sculpture.
(Not) Marbles Vayyale Fabio (Fabio Viale)
(Not) Marbles Vayyale Fabio (Fabio Viale)
(Not) Marbles Vayyale Fabio (Fabio Viale)
A couple of years ago and the boat, and other works Fabio Vayyale could see the residents of St. Petersburg, visited the exhibition of sculptures and later watch the descent boat on water near Peter and Paul Fortress.
Fabio believes that the marble - a material classic, it implies sculpt monuments of famous people, or other pretentious sculpture, but his "illusions", he seeks to "rejuvenate" and "modernize" the material. Art should be closer to the people, especially the youth, and anything else of interest to them, not as mysterious, awesome work that "inside" is not what "outside"?
(Not) Marbles Vayyale Fabio (Fabio Viale)
(Not) Marbles Vayyale Fabio (Fabio Viale)
(Not) Marbles Vayyale Fabio (Fabio Viale)
That makes the master marble balloons and "paper" airplanes, "rubber" tires and "fabric" flags. These and other works by the talented sculptor can be seen on his