Monday, 31 March 2014

Flashmob invisible dog - walking with animals without them modern art prints for sale

Flashmob invisible dog - walking with animals without them modern art prints for sale

Flashmob invisible dogs

Americans figured out how to walk their pet dogs and you observe the cleanliness of the streets. To do this, just ... leave your dog at home. And go for a walk with an empty leash. That so did New Yorkers, thereby arranging Flashmob invisible dogs.

Flashmob invisible dog - walking with animals without them modern art prints for sale

Flashmob invisible dogs

The world first learned about invisible dogs in 1970. True, it was a toy. The current owner of the company, which produces these toys provided sponsorship assistance in organizing a flash mob invisible dogs. Bottom line is this - We equip participants with leashes and went to walk imaginary pets. From this idea the participants enjoyed the flash mob and a good mood. However, it is hard to imagine the reaction of real, live dogs, watching empty leashes. They do not understand the share invisible dogs.

Flashmob invisible dog - walking with animals without them modern art prints for sale

Flashmob invisible dogs

The most generous hosts decided to pamper their pets and invisible bought their bones.
Flashmob invisible dog - walking with animals without them modern art prints for sale